Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Sri Lankan officials before buy fifty mothership fleet composed of the most powerful star deep within.
This is also the the Swensen most proud of the place,atlanta braves throwback jerseys. Arms Group will warships sold to the pirates, but in order to limit the development of the pirates, like the mothership of such powerful battleship is prohibited to sell pirate. Those pirates can only be from the old battleship market to buy some old-fashioned mother ship that has been modified to keep up appearances.
Three hundred giant mothership appears in the the Scorpion group of front, in the sky above it is strange flat fighters circling, looking at these strange fighters Swensen the first time felt a threat.
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With Swensen's orders, the Scorpion group began to change five thousand kinds of warships quickly leaving a large force mothership rushed to greet each other, the sky beam fighter daunting. Leader of the main force of the large transport ships began to Left high-speed transfer. attempt out of the containment.
During the raids, the the card wind that troops benefit the most, that there is no doubt that Yang Libing the mothership forces. The mothership troops participated in almost every battle, a lot of the rookie pilots break through the most dangerous early action off, and in the grips of pilots and pirates, they also learned a lot of practical techniques. elite pilots began to emerge, Yang Libing more anxious raiding campaign can play for a long time that almost became his pilot training center here.
Face full speed approaching five thousand warships and sky beam has crossed the first battle of the war off Harrier pilots did not panic, seeing this more and more close to the enemy, they suddenly back removed three hundred mother The ship is also receding at high speed.
Instant both changed tactics and did not let the pirates a panic to me as the center is the best tactic, pirates are obviously fully aware of this tract, still fierce rushed the mothership group.
Long-term aggressive instincts honed at this moment is completely excited, 5,000 warships menacing rushed up, but unfortunately their luck is really too bad, directly into the walls of the ambush long time the arms of the Seventh Division team, ten thousand black The pirates of shark warships immediately exposed fangs hard impact with pirates, crazy play jiujingshachang also could not help but gasped.
Splashing general beam, missiles and fighter planes constantly fly Zhezhi Scorpion detachments, a lot has already arranged a good heat mine is the situation of the war had now a one-sided situation in such adverse circumstances, the pirates are still persistent use of all means consuming enemy This is the main force to win time to escape. aggressive worthy and is no substitute for strength, we warplanes care

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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