Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Three hundred giant mothership appears in the the Scorpion group of front, in the sky above it is strange flat fighters circling, looking at these strange fighters Swensen the first time felt a threat.
The '
With Swensen's orders, the Scorpion group began to change five thousand kinds of warships quickly leaving a large force mothership rushed to greet each other, the sky beam fighter daunting. Leader of the main force of the large transport ships began to Left high-speed transfer. attempt out of the containment.
During the raids, the the card wind that troops benefit the most, that there is no doubt that Yang Libing the mothership forces. The mothership troops participated in almost every battle, a lot of the rookie pilots break through the most dangerous early action off, and in the grips of pilots and pirates, they also learned a lot of practical techniques. elite pilots began to emerge, Yang Libing more anxious raiding campaign can play for a long time that almost became his pilot training center here.
Face full speed approaching five thousand warships and sky beam has crossed the first battle of the war off Harrier pilots did not panic, seeing this more and more close to the enemy, they suddenly back removed three hundred mother The ship is also receding at high speed.
Instant both changed tactics and did not let the pirates a panic to me as the center is the best tactic, pirates are obviously fully aware of this tract, still fierce rushed the mothership group.
Long-term aggressive instincts honed at this moment is completely excited, 5,000 warships menacing rushed up, but unfortunately their luck is really too bad, directly into the walls of the ambush long time the arms of the Seventh Division team, ten thousand black The pirates of shark warships immediately exposed fangs hard impact with pirates, crazy play jiujingshachang also could not help but gasped.
Splashing general beam, missiles and fighter planes constantly fly Zhezhi Scorpion detachments, a lot has already arranged a good heat mine is the situation of the war had now a one-sided situation in such adverse circumstances, the pirates are still persistent use of all means consuming enemy This is the main force to win time to escape. aggressive worthy and is no substitute for strength, we warplanes care

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Originally thing has been carried out relatively smoothly, But later on, when to introduce the identity of each of us, who chest large host of no brain and say that I am a Chinese-American disguise I said to the Americans For the United States, I was a bit of a shine, after all, now I development there all day feel awkward, I also do not have the development there, but do not know what is the reason, I still can not stand them to me said to Americans.
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Matthews Presbyterian, if the elves did not want to continue to hide in the mountains, this is the only way in the Presbyterian Church in the future, I'm afraid I have to ask you to support me more than the job! Hughes eventually choose the unconditional support Rogge, his table before state Rogge again gain the upper hand in the Presbyterian Church.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Mother adults, you just arrangements??? Road a safe and I went to my boudoir Friends are invited as guests, by the way they look at the sweetheart, while waiting for them to see the lady inside to sleep in your bedroom, you guess that they will think? Completely stunned Haig Elohim Leng Leng looked at his mother, he never thought of the mother is such a resourceful person, so more than one seek good at breaking the mother for his own and feel very happy.
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Zhongzhou Star Control Tower on one with earmuffs, occasionally glanced at the radar lad, beside him bored eyes closed humming partners said: occupation of the Red Lion Star, the master of the house with all the warships to provide support! Young man broke away humming a song eyes Staveley said:

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Come up with ten thousand dried papaya, my space bags are basically empty, that can eat a hundred years, ...... it is an exaggeration to describe it is to eat a hundred years, that have to mix with other food to eat, my space bag it the rest of the thousands of pieces of papaya did, I would like to keep their own eat.
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Although the room is small, but has the advantage of oblique facing Main Street, the entrance ramp in front 20 meters far from the main street, also claim to be a good location.
The price was outrageous, then days of the city here, money is simply like a stone, so a broken house, even dare to sell the 100 amethyst currency, after I hard negotiation, and finally to 90 amethyst coins The price bought it.
Later I learned that I misunderstood the rules of the school, the so-called proof of residence, does not want you to buy a house, but there is a rental permit, but I spent 90 amethyst coins to buy a at 20 square meters of real estate, can be regarded as foolish.
When I got the proof of the property, except for the tuition fees of 10 amethyst, my card will be just under an amethyst, Fortunately, I do not consider eating papaya remaining dry enough a few years consumption.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Asked the heart wing.
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Although Haig Elohim, which is simply an easy hunting, but he still go all out, because this will be proved that he envisaged the new tactics, whether we can really fit that has never been seen, never know, completely different from previous battlefield.
Looked at the distance that slowly flying warships, looked full of energy, as if waiting for the favorite battleship flying in the sky.
Haig Elohim's mouth, appeared out of touch lightly smile.
He waited quietly awaited the attack signal.
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Haig Elohim excitedly ordered, he walked towards the door and rushed.
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Place less than 100 kilometers away from Vader Intrinsic a black Feizhou, are sped away toward the southeast direction.
This time, it never got into the clouds to hide their acting captain who has been well aware that the Ka Aoqi certainly mobilized dozens of magicians, this range of hundreds of kilometers firmly monitored.
No matter where they fly to, at least 56 channel monitoring magic tightly locked them, even then thick clouds, can not stop got so intense search.
In fact, when dozens Road detect magic enchantment suddenly appear on top of the Scoliosis everyone already knows, they fell into the Ka Aoqi carefully arranged the trap.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Shade of a smile, an energy re-enter the saddlery At the same time ... sensed my inner thoughts have crossed the head of the silver magic, fierce of a U-turn in the air, the body from top to bottom, upside down , facing awkward on the ground tiger sprang.
At the same time, severe whistling in the back of the saddle, again emitting a severe airflow, the air of silver magic, suddenly speed doubling ...
In the hands of guns easily throughout the color of the face of horror and despair, entirely too late to react tiger head, arm toss the tiger's corpse tattered like to fly up, fly out far ...
Subsequently ... Yinlang belly emitting an whistling air, spray and shoved on the ground speed dropped red silver magic forelimb hind legs have strong on the ground support, lithe silver magic with instant stopped or stayed not fill the gap across a perfect arc, driving fast and ran to the other has just landed the tiger ...... jet airflow, and again at the Yinlang behind jet ...
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

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In fact, this disarmament plan, although some show fanfare suspect, but it is essential, of course, the main reason is financial problems in the Xijiang Xijiang's military spending has reached the astronomical figure of a terrifying, Light needs to Xijiang

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Arm of the chain, black seeped blue, do not know what material the other looks very ordinary, just a pair of eyes is relatively small, naked shoot, very sharp; wearing surprisingly weird, high waist pants wearing a belt of three, outside the set of a big coat, has begun to hot weather naturally unobtrusive, but the most attractive thing in his hand to play with a pistol after his transformation, small and like a toys, just dark looks a little ugly. Finally back carrying a do not know filled with what backpack.
That men called Falcon has been around the constant gasping for breath, seems to have suffered light injuries. The face of four all as much as his master, but Yiran fear, a hawk-like sharp head cold stare at these people, a fiery red hair, scattered in the wind.
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However, although the Falcon by injuries, the eye the Erli still in virtue of a wonderful sense of barely to hide the vast majority of the past, injured residual footer How can continuous operation along with his will? An infuriating diverge body a staggering, seeing a conical bullet should silent kiss his skull, he suddenly burst drink out, holding the hands of a knife in front of the bullet knifed the past.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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According to the yarn a faint smile, and then is amazing performances, sleeves gently float, you can see on the wrist, six or seven beads, ... are higher smoky quartz strung luxury word to describe have some petty.
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Honghong ~ ~ ~
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

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Not the peak of nightlife consumption, which walked up and down the men and women are dressed in business wear, men of color tall and mighty, the woman is a top beauty.
Did not walk a few steps, and a tall and lanky beauty came forward, her body is a dress tightly wrapped and laid out to the thigh, the slender white thighs looming, chest full of stands, as if to break through clothes like, in contrast, gives the impression that it is indescribable sexy seductive.
That beauty throws a right and enough awesomeness smiling, polite and said: Chen Yuan beauty really do not want to speak that he is to do marketing, delicious pocket no penny have to honestly say: Beauty seemingly inadvertently He looked a lot like in the judgment of his identity, asked: Chen Yuan said to run their own business definitely meet again the strong side of the face, he said: Beautiful to look at his dress, and some incredible, but still maintained a professional smile, said: By the way, if Mr is to pull the business for your company, then, do not go up, and Fang Dong did not see the face of the clerk. Chen Yuan was very angry, I dress just like a salesman? I have been playing the backing, however, his face is still confident smile: Went to the elevator there are elevators, there are a tall man wearing a suit came, staring at the Yuan-looked, and asked that beauty:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

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Unconsciously turn one body, the immediate pain he Ziyaliezui, even Shenghuan the mother.
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It is too late, playing for so long drip, real M1b long to hold back a urine bladder almost burst.
He is now to consider this problem can not be on the toilet, surgery just last night, but the site has a close relationship, and his urine looks or consult a nurse.
I saw this morning that looks old very small nurses hurriedly ran in, thought What major event happened, quickly said: Nurses rows of question marks in my mind, meet up quickly, hold on real M1b urgent Road: I saw the mlb sorrow shook his head, face rose red, muster two big eyes, sad swallowed, said: Suddenly, look red the nurse cheek brush up, but has been extended to the neck to see that she was a less than 20 little girls, it is estimated which medical school had just graduated assigned to.
mlb whines: Nurse startled by startled, apparently did not understand the meaning of them, could not help and said: Nurse suddenly realized, seems to have remembered the important things in general, shy said: I saw the nurse quickly come up with a chamber pot from under the bed, embarrassed Road: Can be no chance for him to think, no longer urine is necessary to wet his pants on,

Friday, June 1, 2012

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Unfortunately, Go Road, perception is very important, Xiao Yu previously did not even played this thing, now 21-year-old began to learn, no matter how smart we are unable to and from small to accept the good training of the floor hope challenge him two or three times, each time adhere to the failure of time a little longer, head of lose a little something, but the gap is still obvious. Xiao Yu will talk to go after Chu Galaxy thought Chu Galaxy, to lend a hand to teach him a lesson.
This matter, or do not tell Xiaofeng good! Xiao Yu was secretly thought, wait until I give Chu a surprise, however, if The Xiaofeng I also think that the son of a bitch, she will blame themselves more than thing? no, how could it, that bastard do this to her! so given, next Friday, so that the small Chu help to punish the bastard, ah? I feel like I have not Chu said this thing, do not know that he would not be willing to help themselves busy? certainly willing to, any person who heard the bastard acts are certainly willing and generous attempts shot early tomorrow morning to find Little Chu, to make things clear.
I do not know how long cranky, Xiao Yu just feel ignorant and a while to fight the storm, and soon heavy sleep in the past.
With the first rays of morning light exposure came from a gap in the curtains, Chu Galaxy slowly opened his eyes, habitually looked at the curriculum attached to the bed.
Chu Galaxy see the word, immediately they thought that the mouth foam flying cried on the podium: Whole body to fight the chills to think of last night, Xiao Yu and said to myself, then immediately made up his mind, adamantly refused to go on this section of the English class.
Chu Xing He thought for a moment, not so early to go to work, seems to have two or three days go to the library, there are a few books have not ever go back, and immediately decided to go to the library to also book the way to look at the book!
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Although not the first time into the library, but each looked at the books of the above rows of dense, Chu Xing He can not help but feel there is a dazzling, went to the computer aspects of the book area, at random, a few of the Chinese version of the the IT few thick book, and soon he uninteresting thrown aside, there is

Monday, May 28, 2012

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Li Jie comforts painful brother, the brother also pity, like his own small bluestone, of course, only Li Jie himself believed the stone is clear in his palm.

Enemy enemy raid alert!!! Rivals! Of course Li Jie worried that the rival not present this brother, hear poor he had not cast off the woman's entanglement.
But Li Jie thought the brother nor their opponents, his opponent should be the unknown man! If Li Jie is not afraid of fair competition, unfortunately his rear fire.

Already in sight, even halfway even from Zhang Xuan Zhang Xuan, but this girl is good, soft cute......
Li Jie felt too evil......
Brother with Li Jie saying in side side of the drink, but he will speak too much, consumption is too poor, 3 bottles of beer is drunk.

Lee Jietan gas on the drunken fellow, send him home.
Li Jie think of my hometown so a word, the trees not repair is not perfectly straight, people do not repair n (Gen three) pull. Actually rival halfway out, so we should let him know Li Jie!
Li Jie sent the brother home later, she's back in the hospital, Li Jie is going to have a look the mother, this time it was already late, my mother might have been asleep.
But even if asleep, Li Jie will go to have a look, otherwise will not be at ease.
Li Jie went to the door, very carefully, gently walked over, lest they make noise will wake his mother. But at the door he hears the voices, two familiar voice.

He went to see, it is Zhang Xuan, the girl was wearing a white nurse outfit, a pair of little pink shoes, is smiling with his mother whisper.
Two people seem to talk to any happy things, could not help laughing.

"Zhang Xuan, how did you become a nurse?" Li Jie for the emergence of Zhang Xuan to feel a bit strange. But today he should find out, but because of worries too much, he now found Zhang Xuan in the hospital was very strange.

"I was a nurse?" asked Zhang Xuan Li Jie a. Li Jie stammered, also think about, Zhang Xuan learned that the nursing profession, is to practice in hospitals, but also do not like to practice time. But if by his dad's relationship, there should be no problem.

"I am to practice! Now thoracic! I did not think the aunt was in the hospital!" Zhang Xuan glanced at Li Jie's mother said with a smile.
"So you are the students! Why don't you tell me?"
"You didn't ask me!"
All this is a coincidence, if not the day Zhang Xuan rob flowers thing, Li Jie may actually think this is a coincidence, but he already knows, this seemingly simple Zhang Xuan is not an ordinary person, she inherited his father's wisdom, but his dad is the wisdom in the official world.